Opening Reception: Shine & Arthur Price
Friday, November 18th, 2022 | 6:00 pm
Guardian Studios
Please Join Echo Contemporary Art on November 18th for the Opening Reception for multiple exhibitions and installations. Echo Contemporary Art presents “Shine” and a solo painting exhibit by Arthur Price in the main gallery. In the Guardian Studios, there are exhibitions by Eddie Farr, Community Market and GSU Graduate students Shir Bassa, Kennedy Burkes, Chip Moody, Amanda Grae Platner, Corran Shrimpton, Bronwyn Simons and Rachel Warren.
Arthur Price is an artist, gardener and visionary who has imaginatively painted since he was a child. An Alabama native, Price studies myths, fables and legends of many cultures past and present. After studying at the Atlanta College of Art, he and his wife, fellow artist and gardener Caren, moved to a farm near the Cahaba River in Shelby County, Alabama, where they grow organic vegetables and herbs and care for their horses and rescued dogs and cats.
Price’s work reminds the viewer of the harmony, peaceful balance and rejuvenation offered by nature. His work manifests in the form of large, un-stretched canvases stained with chimerical veils of muted, monochromatic washes that combine before the eyes into ethereal beings, emerging from and merging with shadows. They give a momentary glimpse into a timeless dimension of our world where benevolent spirits are at work and play.
“Shine” is a group exhibition featuring the work of 13 Atlanta based ceramic artists including: Rose M Barron, Maria Bruckman, Katherine Burke, Jennifer Diaz, Jena Dost, Michelle Laxalt, Rebecca Layson, Alana Morrison, Sarah Piper, Stephanie Rosendorf, RJ Sturgess and Katie Troisi. The ceramic artists in “Shine” are creating functional work that is great for giving one of a kind gifts this holiday season.
Opening Reception: Friday, November 18th, 2022 from 6pm to 10pm
Exhibition Dates: November 18th – January 7th
Also on exhibit and opening on Friday, November 18th:
Studio 5 – Eddie Farr – “City Lights” installation and work by Larissa McPherson
Studio 14,15,27 – Community Market
Studio 19 – “The Whites of Our Eyes” a group exhibition featuring the work of Shir Bassa, Kennedy Burkes, Chip Moody, Amanda Grae Platner, Corran Shrimpton, Bronwyn Simons and Rachel Warren . The work featured is an intent to reveal the unconscious mind – the interdisciplinary artists deal in imagery and subjects that are not spoken about in the public consciousness. Working in materials of ceramics, photography, painting, printmaking, video and graphic design, each artist asks the audience to regard and put care into the in-between space of being.The works curated for this show intend to reflect humanity at its base impulses and emotions.
Echo Contemporary Art is located within the Guardian Studios building on the Echo Street West campus. 785 Echo Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30318.
Questions: / 404.680.8728